Welcome to our Sunday services at St. Kongensgade 23 near Kongens Nytorv. We sing hymns and hear the weekly Lesson-Sermon from the Bible and Danish translation of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (full-text edition in English is available). Time, together with Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.

The Testimony Meeting takes place at 7:30 pm on the 1st Wednesday of the month.

​After a reading of passages from the Bible and from our textbook, participants share healings and inspiration that have come to them through the study and application of Christian Science.​

Our Reading Room is open onThursdays from 1 – 4 P.M. Here you may read, borrow and purchase all authorized literature including The Christian Science Monitor The librarian will be happy to answer your questions.

​Church and Reading Room are closed in July.

Næste onsdagsmøde er d.1 maj 2024 på ZOOM kl 19:30 (samt i kirken)
Skriv en mail til kristenvidenskabskirkesamfund@gmail.com for at opnå ZOOM link til - Vel mødt
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Hvorledes beder Kristen Videnskab for Israel-Hamas krigen...
How I’m praying about the Israel-Hamas war . . .
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​Christian Science | St. Kongensgade 23, st. | 1264 Copenhagen K | Tel.: +45 33 13 08 91 | cs.rr@mail.dk