Join us for our upcoming lecture

October 15, 2022 at 4:00 pm Danish local time (10:00 am EDT)

​A Spiritual Revolution: The quest to experience God

by Giulia Nesi Tetreau, CSB

Christian Science Practitioner and Teacher, 

Member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship


Er tiden moden tilen åndelig revolution?

Søger også du efter at erfare guddommelig indflydelse i dit liv?

Giulia Nesi Tetreau, taler ud fra sin egen søgen efter åndelig identitet og med ballast fra sit tidligere virke som psykoterapeut. I dag, som helbreder og lærer i Kristen Videnskab, hjælper hun mennesker til at finde håb og mening i deres liv, og helbredelse, hvor der er behov.

Det er gratis at deltage i mødet, der er sponsoreret af Kristen Videnskabs Kirkesamfund 

​dissatisfied and restless, yearning for something deeper. That's when I was introduced to Christian Science through Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by religious reformer, Mary Baker Eddy. In it, I found a shared sacred space with the author and experienced a profound sense of coming home.

Since then, sharing the revolutionary message contained in the pages of Science and Health has been the cornerstone of my life. I helped oversee the worldwide activity of bringing the book to a wider public audience. I also managed a special project established to respond to the growing interest from healthcare professionals in learning more about Christian Science. I've lectured to the public in a variety of settings and venues, from prisons to professional healthcare audiences and everything in between. I love all of it!

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